Thursday, August 29, 2013

Gaudiness is next to Godliness : Miley and the Jupiter-Venus crew

We have all seen it and are likely already sick/bored of it so I won't belabor the issue. But what's up with the astrological signs behind Miley Cyruss and the MVA awards thing? What's up with bad taste and the distorted area of life between beauty and the gaudy?

Jupiter Square or Opposite Venus are seen in gaudy ostentatiousness and excess that is often referred to as "bad taste" or an appearance of beauty that is "large and in charge".  Sometimes it doesn't know it's crossing a line and often it doesn't care. Not because it is transgressive but out of love. It just loves those bedazzled denim pants, pirate shirt and American flag painter's cap.

Jupiter is the planet of "going overboard" and represents abundance to the point of excess. Venus is beauty and social activity to the point of ostentatiousness. Together they tend to define gaudy and indiscriminate, as you shall see. Bright colors, luxurious fabrics, feathers and fur are often seen with Jupiter-Venus combo. Like the bright plumage on the peacock, this combination is hard to miss and almost as hard as it is to look away.

When you thrown in Uranus, into the mix, as is the case with Miley, things get especially crazy. Unlike the basic Jupiter-Venus combo there is a willful disregard for other people's sense of decency and taste. "It's our party and we can do what we want to" sings Miley in her VMA award performance. It's very unlikely that she has any feelings of regret for doing just what she wants whenever she wants, however she wants, with whatever fleshtone plastic bikini she wants. I doubt very much she isn't aware of the publics reaction. Not that she doesn't care but that she enjoys shaking things up.

Jupiter is also about morality and philosophy and as we shall see the notions of taste, decency, morality and philosophy are intimately tied to this whole phenomenon. People often forget this expecting Jupiter to bring only wealth and prosperity.

 It is said that transits "trigger' events that can be seen natal chart. If you are going to have an outburst of poor taste then it's gotta be reflected in the natal chart somewhere. This was certainly the case with Miley's Performance which was during transiting Jupiter's Opposition to her natal Venus.  No only did she go all-out and over-the-top but also received criticism and much of that Jupiter-moralizing and intellectual hand-wringing has been made over this.

She is hardly the first celebrity or artist to cross the lines of 'good taste' and decency.

Dolly Pardon also has the Jupiter-Venus square and has a history of veering close to the edge of public decency and poor taste despite having a loyal fan base. Here we can see both Miley and Dolly in brightly colored rainbow outfits making dramatic gestures with their faces. Dolly gets a pass on the criticism perhaps because she has certain sweetness to her which may seem missing with Miley and her tomboy roughness that comes with the Uranus addition to her Venus-Jupiter combination. Dolly is also a music legend who has sold an estimated 100 million records. So, there's that. A lot of rainbows and american flags in this dimension of bedazzlement.

Elton John, has the Trifecta of Jupiter-Venus-Uranus is outdone by none in terms of outlandish and cartoonish costumes. Coming just as close is Liberace who pioneered the garish, sequined look popularized by Elton John and the glam rock that followed in the late 70's. Liberace has Jupiter-Venus conjunction along with powerful Pluto and is electrified with a Trine from Uranus. The trine is less trouble-making and lawless. Pluto brings intensity and manipulation in his personal love-life.  I think his socks are probably sequined in this picture. Both Elton and Liberace were known for being big spenders and gift-givers, another Jupiter-Venus theme.

Gary Glitter and Jimmy Savile both have Jupiter Square Venus in the natal chart and both were not only gaudy and garish, glam-rock personalities but also convicted sex offenders. In greek myth Jupiter was a serial rapist and dead-beat dad. Saville was the worst of the two and his whole bug-eyed, cigar sucking face is enough to reach high levels on the creep-o-meeter. Sevile has Jupiter square his Venus-Mars opposition in his birth chart  and both Venus and Mars are in detriment of Scorpio and Taurus respectively. It's when planets in detriment square or oppose other planets in detriment that things get really bad. Jupiter came in and exaggerated the combination to criminal degrees. Ugh.

Sean Connery starring in Zardoz in this picture. Sean has Jupiter-Venus square although he doesn't show it off like some of our other examples and probably listens to his stylists. John Boorman, the writer-director-producer of the film also has Jupiter and Uranus aspecting his natal Venus although they are quite far apart from one another. During the filming of Zardoz transiting Uranus and Jupiter both aspect his progressed Venus, triggering the latent potential for indulgent set design and over-the-top costumes. Lot's of philosophical ideas about love/sex and the rule of law in this movie. The drugs on set were probably pretty good too.

Honey BooBoo has the Venus-Jupiter conjunction and wow, just wow, omg wow. She was recently lampooned on a south park episode who used her as a benchmark for our culture's apparent lack of discrimination and progressive "lowering the bar" of taste and decency. Interestingly the natal chart for America also has the Jupiter-Venus conjunction and it's in a tight square to Honey Boo-Boo's natal Jupiter-Venus conjunction. (No wonder the american flag is featured so often in bad taste.)

 Both the exaggerated aesthetics and the theme of a cultural 'morality-trigger' are noteworthy in Honey Boo-boo's story and it's perhaps not ironic that her cartoonish personae was satirized on a cartoon TV show. The episode has been nominated for an Emmy.  Watch it @ southparkstudios

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