Wednesday, March 18, 2015

PIsces New Moon Solar Eclipse - Equinox

This is a powerful time, folks. Can ya feel it?
The New Moon Eclipse is here, though, as with all Eclipse cycles, you likely noticed it's influence and felt the acceleration in the days or even weeks prior. If not in your own life, in those around you. After this one we will experience a Full Moon Eclipse, so the high-vibe, crazy-making energy will continue through April. Consider yourself susceptible to severe, potentially debilitating case of spring fever and hold on. Time is the only cure.

 This Eclipse is special for the fact that it occurs just around the same time as  Spring Equinox. New Moons and Spring Equinox are similar cycles, in a way, both are initiatic birth-points for their respective Lunar and Solar cycles. It's also occurring at the final degree of Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac. This final, 29th degree of a any zodiac sign is considered "critical" and is referred to as "anaretic' Or "destroyer" in ancient astrological sources.

Fear not those ominous terms, however. Critical = choice point and "destroyer" is simply in regards to old forms and ways of being.  You aren't in any more danger than you usually are in these unusual  times of crisis and destruction. (lol)

Although the eclipse receives no other aspects from the transiting planets, it is noteworthy in that it does include several repeating patterns: that of ending and beginning. 

Be it a natal chart interpretation, a relationship analysis or mundane horoscope of a nation, pattern repetition is the red-inked, bold print of the astrological language and when aspects or signs are repeated the indications of those omens are more certain.   In this case we see, with certainty, that a new cycle in our lives (and world) is opening up and with any beginning we also have an end.

Adding to the punch of this cycle is the fact that the Solar Eclipse is at Perigee (aka "supermoon") and closer to the earth than usual.  Add that all up and you have a strong indication of a powerfully volatile, potential-rich and, yes, dangerous time we live in now.

What does your soul look like?

But what does that mean and how does it feel? That largely depends, as always, on your own individual natal chart and the other time-cycles you are living in. In example, those being touched by th ongoing Uranus-Pluto square featured in the upcoming Full Moon Eclipse will experience the profundity of the times much more than others. Similarly, someone with the Ascendant sun, or Moon at 29 Pisces will also notice major fireworks. Others may experience these things vicariously.  We are all interconnected and interdependent and astrology shows not only our own individual lives but those in our environment as well. Remember that.

All that said, the cusp of Pisces and Aries is about the dissolution of an old form and the emergence of a new individuality. Pisces is extremely watery-soft and lacking in boundaries  while Aries is Fiery-steel and defends it's boundaries with joy and violence.

For some this may be a time when we no longer allow ourselves to be taken advantage of or surrender our compassion to those who mistake it for weakness. This will be especially true of those with Pisces planets progressing into Aries. Others may awaken from a narcotic-like sleep and realize enthusiastic action is needed to catch up to where they wanted to be or dreamed they were.

Pisces is related with divine inspiration, visionary art, image and imaginal.  This can be a time of powerful imaginings, illusions, dreams and spiritual experiences.  Creative work may be enhanced or empowered but take care with "real-world" events and decisions. . We may be ready to take the plunge but is the pool actually full? This time period will seem to force us to take action and possibly more so than other New Moons, considering it's poximity to 0° Aries, which rules impulsivity as much as Pisces is enthusiasm and lack of discretion. Make sure you are seeing/thinking/feeling clearly before making sudden moves.

Pisces is escapism, drugs and alcohol use and addiction so be careful around powerful times like this and don't over do it. Especially those with planets being aspected by Jupiter, who is slowing down from it's retrograde cycle and turn direct at 12 Leo. Those with planets at 12 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are most prone to going overboard right now. Watch it!

This initiation will be modified or colored by the virtues of any planets that may be near 29°-0° of other signs, in particular the Mutable and Cardindal signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces & Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

 How does the New Moon effect me? 
Where might we experiences breakthroughs and breakaways in our lives? Where might we caught in a quandry or at the threshold of a new and intimidating new world?What one, or perhaps two areas might be getting more focus and attention that usual?

 Where this New Moon occurs in your chart will reveal what area of life will be effected, changed or challenged. For this you will need to look to your RISING sign.  If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate with the free rising sign calculator at Cafe Astrology. : Rising sign calculator. 

As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these themes. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at Ian @

For thise eclipse read the House and it's following house number. If 1, read also 2 and so on. If 12, read 1. Got it? 

Pisces : 1st House: Identity, orientation, direction, self-assertion, selfishness, personal demands, the physical body, health, the Face and outer appearance.

Aries : 12th House: Hidden issues, self-undoing, secret or private issues, retreat, cooperation, hospitalization, retirement, completing old issues, subconscious drives and issues which harm our conscious will. 

Taurus : 
11th House: Groups, friends and Acquaintances, networks, cliques, Hopes, dreams, gains, personal and shared goals.

Gemini : 
10th House Career, profession, position in society, public standing, reputation, authority figures, bosses, fathers, awards, responsibilities, desire for achievement.

Cancer : 9th House: Travel, education, philosophy, teachers, foreigners, legal issues, courthouses, broadcasting and publishing. 
Leo :  8th House: intimacy, sexuality, psychological and occult matters, shared resources, inheritance, credit, loans, personal power of regeneration. 

Virgo : 
7th House: marriage, partnership, close friends, rivals, open enemies and all important one-on-one interactions.

Libra : 
6th House: health & illness of physical body, work, service, routines, habits, co-workers, hired workers and staff.

Scorpio :  5th House: Love affairs, dating, games, fun, play fullness, entertainment and entertaining, performance arts, creativity, pregnancy and children.   

Sagittarius : 4th House : Home & family, houses, real  estate, rentals, renovations and relocating,  roommates and all who live in the home.
Capricorn : 3rd house: The Mind, writing and communications, siblings and neighbors, errands and movement within your local area, plans, media.

2nd House: Self worth, money, wealth and finances, personal assets and values.  

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