Friday, October 3, 2014

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio-Libra

Planets are not machines. They don't work like light-switches, suddenly "coming on" or "going off" but wax and wane like the moon or rise and fall like the tides or seasons. So, saying "Mercury goes Retro today" is a bit like saying "Today alone it will be summer" on the Solstice.

We in the west tend to think like little machines who want to 'get to the point' but in reality : 'the point is  a curve'.

So it is with retrogrades.

It's speed not so much direction. So, when a planet appears to slow down and stop it's at it's strongest and if it's making an aspect to your chart it will hold that aspect for much longer than usual.

Mercury moves pretty quick so it only takes a few days to slow and stop -and then slowly start reversing. But It can still feel like a long time for things to a bit wacky. I observe an approximate 3-day window of time before -and after the Mercury retro date making the process about a week long rather than a day. The same goes for when Mercury goes Direct, as it will later this month (Oct 25).

Mercury will go Retro exactly conjunct the point of the upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse at the first degree of Scorpio. Those with Fixed Rising signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will be experiencing this stronger than many but those who have planets in early fixed signs will experience the power of this most of all. 

Mercury will dip back into Libra and finally go Direct at the end of the month on Oct 25th, giving about 3 days Before and After for Mercury to get up to speed and the tide of unusual tricks and mental burglaries to fade back into the celestial sea.

Where will Mercury Retrograde be lighting up my chart? Where might Mercurial themes reverse, become important or strange? Remember, this retrograde station is where the upcoming New Moon Eclipse will occour later in October. The first may foreshadow the second. Be mindfull of this...

For the following you will need to look to your RISING sign. Not your Sun Sign!  If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate with the free rising sign calculator at Cafe Astrology. : Rising sign calculator.

As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these themes. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at Ian @

Aries : 8th House: intimacy, sexuality, psychological and occult matters, shared resources, inheritance, credit, loans, personal power of regeneration. 
Taurus : 7th House: marriage, partnership, close friends, rivals, open enemies and all important one-on-one interactions. 

Gemini : 
6th House: health & illness of physical body, work, service, routines, habits, co-workers, hired workers and staff.

Cancer : 5th House: Love affairs, dating, games, fun, play fullness, entertainment and entertaining, performance arts, creativity, pregnancy and children.  

Leo :
4th House : Home & family, houses, real  estate, rentals, renovations and relocating,  roommates and all who live in the home. 

Virgo :
3rd house: The Mind, writing and communications, siblings and neighbors, errands and movement within your local area, plans, media.

Libra :
2nd House: Self worth, money, wealth and finances, personal assets and values.   

Scorpio :  1st House: Identity, self-assertion, selfishness, personal demands, the Face and outer appearance. 

Sagittarius : 12th House: Hidden issues, self-undoing, secret or private issues, retreat, cooperation, hospitalization, retirement, completing old issues, subconscious drives.

  Capricorn : 11th House: Groups, friends and Acquaintances, networks, cliques, Hopes, dreams, gains, personal and shared goals.

Aquarius: 10th House:  Career, profession, position in society, public standing, reputation, authority figures, bosses, fathers, awards, responsibilities, desire for achievement.

Pisces :   9th House: Travel, education, philosophy, teachers, foreigners, legal issues, courthouses, broadcasting and publishing.


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