Saturday, May 3, 2014

Retro Mars Stationing

Mars has been in the sign of Libra, a sign where it is a debilitated or 'weakened', since December 8th and has been retrograde (and even deeper asleep) since February. Luckily for us with Mars prominent in the chart or as a ruling planet (aries/scorpio rising) this period of slowdown, frustration and drag is coming to an end.

The bad news is that the retro period hallmakrs of weirdness and potential for problems is strongest just as it Slows down to a dead stop (stationing) and then begins a slow forward movement once again. This means that things are primed and ready for both release but also crisis for those with planets near 9ยบ of certain sign but especially cardinal signs: Aries, cancer, Libra, Capricorn.

Remember, a planet going Direct is not a sudden thing that happens one day. Like the seasons or moon phases, it waxes and wanes in it's effects gradually and  on it's own natural time line. It's often because we think that the 'coast is clear' when a planet 'goes direct' that we make hasty moves and really suffer the blow back.

Mars will be slowing down to it's stationary degree Thursday May 8th and will hang there for nearly 4 weeks! It will be moving out of this stationary degree in early June and moving ahead full steam in the days following. Obviously if you have to do something then you have to do it. You can't let the stars rule you but do be aware that there is greater potential for frustration, fights, cuts, burns and the need for, or problems related to, assertion.

Mars is willpower, force and aggression. Temper these qualities with Librian equanimity and poise. Don't burn any bridges, jump from any bridges or build any bridges just yet. Simply think before you act and don't let your passions carry you away and you should be fine.

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