Sunday, March 30, 2014

Aries New Moon - March 30

Running late so I kinda burped this out. I hope it's illuminating.

I will say that anyone with planets at approximately 7-14º of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will feel the New Moon most strongly and for some it will be very strong indeed as this Moon aligned with both Uranus and Pluto the heavy hitting, radicalizing and transformative planets that are the greater omens of these great trials and tribulations shockwaving through our planet at the moment.

Indeed these are revelatory and revolutionary times in the larger world and within our own personal worlds. Consider this period to be an opening to make a fresh start and gain some momentum forward. Even though Mars, ruler of Aries, is Retrograde it's still very possible to gather momentum, press on and perhaps, get a head start. Where this initiatic quality manifest depends on your rising sign, scroll down to the bottom to get to the details.

WWIII & the Uranus-Pltuo Cycle

I have read the more popular commentary on this astrological cycle circulating through facebook and other blogs and there are some misconceptions. It is commonly said that Uranus is the great liberator and it's Square alignment to Pluto, the "dark lord" of power and subterfuge is the sign of the common man going up against the oligarchic, plutocratic powers-that-be. It's not really so simple. Uranus is just as much a 'bad guy' as Pluto is a 'good guy'. And the idea of simple good vs evil is commonly used as a psychological control lever by those very elite.

Yes, Uranus is rebellion and liberty but that alone is not "good". You know who has a prominent Uranus? Adolf Hitler and George W bush and Dick Cheney.

Liberty and revolution? ? Yes indeed, for them and on their own terms. Uranus rules disruption and technology as well, both things that can go either way on the "good-bad" scale.

-and although Pluto is the dark, underworldly ream of death, secrecy and the occult doesn't mean it's antithetical to your virtues and values. Yes, during this time period we are plagued with those who rule by secrecy and wealth (pluto is "lord of wealth") but Pluto's transit through Capricorn, the sign of business and industry, reveals the corruption, pollution and poison generated by such entities or "persons" as they are being called.

And it's true.

Corporations are persons. The word person comes from "personae" meaning a mask or 'false face'. Alternatively the term "people" means ""body of citizens; a multitude, crowd, throng,"" These 'persons' are made up of belief, collective agreement and the work of humans. They eat money and they drink attention. They strive to live, thrive and propagate themselves, just like us. They are, in effect, artificially intelligent machines with human beings as micro-organisms, neural networks and organs within their bodies.

The problem isn't that corporations are persons. The problem is that they aren't human beings.

Further problematic, they aren't held accountable for their crimes against humanity and nature.  These 'corperate-beings' are only vaguely sentient. They want to live but don't understand that they require humanity to exist in the same way that humanity all too often forgets that it needs nature to exist. Just as nature can wipe us out tomorrow so too can we take down corporations. It's deceptively easy for either one of us to go. It could happen literally overnight.

The Uranus-Pluto square contains all multi-faceted "sides" of this conflict  Humanity faces, how we organize ourselves and how we are ruled and our destructive shadow that is threatening not only civilization, the earth but perhaps worst of all: the nature of Humanity itself.

 Over the next few days and weeks Uranus will come into an exact Square with Pltuo again and both will align with the natal chart of the US (one of em anyway, there are several and the exact time is debated among astrologers). This period should be, or continue to be, a time of great revelations, revolt and uprising on multiple levels from multiple players. Natural and man-made disasters will also likely continue until the suffering is great enough for people make a significant change within themselves.

These are epic, generation defining, times but just as the multi-faceted nature of these planets reveals levels of subtly and a lack of black-and-white polarity, there are many aspects and sides to your own life and how we can go about creating a new, sustainable civilization. Consider the whole instead of picking a side and make your move forward with the highest good of all living beings in your heart.y

The best way to topple a system is to create a new one and make the old obsolete. Fighting is worse than futile.

Remember that Warfare is progressively subtle and causalities are fewer and father between than in former times. The world is most certainly at war and the new battlefield is right between your ears.

What do you think?

How does the New Moon effect me? 
Where are we experiencing a fresh start and a leap forward into action or into battle? Where are we needing to go it alone and engage with directness, simplicity and focus? What ares of life are revealing complexities and revelation?
Where this Lunation occurs in your chart will reveal what area of life will be effected, changed or challenged. For this you will need to look to your RISING sign.  

If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate with the free rising sign calculator at Cafe Astrology. : Rising sign calculator.

As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these themes. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at Ian @

Aries : 1st House: Identity, self-assertion, selfishness, personal demands, physical health of the body, the Face and outer appearance. 
Taurus :
12th House: Hidden issues, self-undoing, secret or private issues, retreat, cooperation, hospitalization, retirement, completing old issues, subconscious drives and issues which inhibit free will.

Gemini :11th House: gain & increase, money from career, groups, friends and Acquaintances, networks, cliques, Hopes, dreams, gains, personal and shared goals.

Cancer : 10th House Career, profession, status & position in society, public standing, reputation, authority figures, bosses, fathers, awards, responsibilities, desire for achievement. 
Leo : 
9th House: Travel, education, philosophy, teachers, foreigners, legal issues, courthouses, broadcasting and publishing.

Virgo :
8th House: intimacy, sexuality, psychological and occult matters, shared resources, inheritance, credit, loans, personal power of regeneration, crisis and emergency.

Libra :
7th House: marriage, partnership, close friends, rivals, open enemies and all important one-on-one interactions. 
Scorpio : 
 6th House: health & illness of physical body, work, service, routines, habits, co-workers, hired workers and staff.

Sagittarius : 5th House: Love affairs, dating, games, fun, play fullness, entertainment and entertaining, performance arts, creativity, pregnancy and children.  

Capricorn : 4th House : Home & family, houses, real  estate, rentals, renovations and relocating,  roommates and all who live in the home. 

Aquarius: 3rd house: The Mind, writing and communications, siblings and neighbors, errands and movement within your local area, plans, media.
Pisces : 2nd House: Self worth, money, wealth and finances, personal assets and values.  

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