Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer ((Jun 25 - July 20))

Well if you needed an excuse for anything even things totally unrelated to Mercury,  here you go.  Next to that dang "supermoon" this is the most famous and generally misunderstood of all astrological cycles. Yes, it can be frustrating, maddening even but there are positive elements as well. No astrological cycle is inherently "bad". Unless you say so.

The next few days will be full of reversals, errors, delays and malfunctions but also reunions, recovery and revision of works or relationships that have been put on the back burner or neglected for a while. Because Mercury will be in Cancer, a water sign,  decisions may tend to be emotional rather than purely intellectual, empathy with others may be strong and fealings with family members especially mothers will be common for many.  Cancer is a sign concerned with emotional needs and feelings of security for some this will be their own feelings and for others they will be dealing with the feelings and emotional sensitivity of others. For some this will be a release of feelings through verbal expression which will be satisfying and for others it will be awkward, frustrating or embarrassing. Cancer can be sweet and compassionate but it can also be crabby, moody and irratable.  All depends on your natal chart and how it might be aspected at this time. Accept the slowdown and reversals and take time to reflect.

check out my previous blog on Mercury retrograde 101 which will set some things straight for this time period.

"A retrograde planet will effect you MOST when it is slowing down to the point where it appears to stop in the sky before going reverse or before switching forward again. Speed is more important than direction but forwards is still "better" than backwards only because it's going to stop and retrace it's steps.  As always, a planet stationing to go forwards or reverse will be making an aspect to one of your personal planets or points for it to be noticeable." more @ Mercury Retrograde & Direct 101

Mercury goes stationary retrograde at 23° Cancer just a few degrees shy from Venus. Mercury stays at this degree until the 28th and will begin to move back. From now till the 28th the weirdness of Mercury, as well as some it's charming capriciousness, will be strongest at this time. After that it will mellow out in general until it goes direct again and there will be another period of about a week where things will be buggin' people out.

July 9th Mercury will pass by the Sun at 17° Cancer. For those with Planets at 17° Aries, Libra or Capricorn could experience stress and frustration about miscommunication or delays. be careful about other people's feelings and try not to let your mouth inadvertanly burn any bridges.  Others with 17° of water signs might find it more pleasing but use caution when making agreements as the conditions may change. For some this might be a time when friends, lovers and family members come back for a visit after a period of absence. You might be surprised at just who shows up. I meet old friends I've not seen in some time during almost every Mercury retro period.

Mercury will go stationary Direct on Jul 20 and begin slowly moving forward over the next week as it gathers speed and gets to the process of retracing it's steps. Be especially carefully now as the stationary direct motion can be as wackadoodle as stationary retrograde. Again, it's the speed that's the sign of the times.

Caution will be thrown out the window for many of us as Mercury will be in an abrasive square aspect  to electric and unpredictable Uranus. That this aspect happens as Mercury stations to go direct notches up the fuck-up level to catastrofuck. While a FEW will love the crazymaking Mercury-Uranus square most will find it jarring at best. If ever there was a time to use caution with machinery, driving or expressing anger -this is it.

Underscoring the impulsivity of the stationary direct period: Mars and Jupiter conjunct during the stationary direct period, a time when we urgently desire to just the show on the freaking road already. While there will be the strong motivation of Fiery and impatient mars with fiery and enthusiastic Jupiter, the combination can lend to periods of accidents or emotional outbursts when we finally really lose our patience. Remember that, if you can.  Alas, you probably won't.


  1. I am a Gemini with my Mercury in Gemini, and my Venus in Cancer. (My Mars is in Aries, by the way). I'm really feeling this. Any wise words of advice?

  2. Well, to really give you sharp insight I would need to see your whole chart or at the very least know your ascendant. This is absoluetly crucial as there are many factors that could be playing out right now in addition to the Mercury Retro.

    That said, Retrograde mercury over your Cancer Venus is a sign of rethinking our relationships and desires for love. It's also a sign of looking back to past love affairs which may have not gone so well and reflecting upon them.

    Jupiter will be conjuncting your natal venus at some point this year and will be especially lovely -although fleeting- period for love and pleasure or perhaps enjoying a celebration with your family.

    That may or may not hit a nerve, it's really hard to say without the whole chart! I hope that helps!
