Friday, June 14, 2013

Jupiter in Gemini

Jupiter the teacher and rich uncle of the planetary family is ending it's year long transit through Gemini and moving into cancer where it is more dignified and hopefully the high hopes of Jupiter will manifest as more substantial and genuine. Let's hope!  This is excellent news for everyone especially for with Sun and Moon in Cancer and a few others whom I will write about in the upcoming article on Jupiter in Cancer.

But first, let us look at where we have been and where we are now with Jupiter wraps up his year long tour through Gemini.

Mind Expansion

 Gemini (♊), an Airy and mental sign, expresses itself as thought, communications and writing.

It is the discovery of idea and understanding of function and mechanism. It's novelty, curiosity and mental hum of activity. When planets travel through this sign it activates our desires to engage intellectually and to share with others what we have learned in speech and writing.

Jupiter is the planet signifying philosophy, knowledge, Joy, hope and growth. Jupiter in Gemini Expands our ideas, grows our need to learn, talk, write and calculate. Our hopes rest in ideas -big ideas- and if we can make the right choices, cut out the chatter and focus, we can manifest the best qualities of a particular planet as it transits.

 It's a time when we find joy in these Gemini themes or where these things show up in our lives in large amounts.

 It's often It's a time where we are enthusiastic about learning and our ability to study is easier. However for some we may get a new job or promoted  but then be obligated to go through a training program. We may not exactly be enthused to be in a crash course of study but we will likely be excited by the prospects of a new job and perhaps making more money than ever. Even if not exactly enthused about learning and perhaps unusually busy with study and training in new skills we may find that we learn easier or quicker than we had expected. When all is said and done it will seem as though we grew very quickly in an area of expertise and our world is just a bit larger because of it.

High Hopes
 People with a little bit of knowledge or experience put a lot of fear into the planet Saturn and they give and equally inordinate amount of hope to Jupiter. Jupiter transits stir up hope and sometimes that hope pays off but other times it fails to live up to our expectations. It's important to remember that Jupiter is also Philosophy, world-view and knowledge. These things will expand our lives during a Jupiter transit and can enhance our lives in subtle ways, but often they get forgotten when we are focusing on easy money and free lunch during a Jupiter transit.

At best Jupiter is a sign of the things we desire: happiness, success and understanding our place in the world. At worst it is excess, overconfidence, hubris, ego-inflation and lack of discrimination.

Full Of Hot Air

Jupiter was in it's "detriment"during it's year long course through Gemini. Detriment is a debilitated, weakened state when a planet is residing in the sign opposite the sign they rule. Gemini is Opposite from Sagittarius the sign Jupiter rules and is at "home". So, in Gemini, Jupiter is "away from home" and not as strong and when in challenging aspects to a natal chart the effects tend to excess, exaggeration or inflation (which is often preceded by collapse).

Other effects that could be considered failing Jupiter's highest potential are Gossip, fickleness, indecision, inability to make a decision for an abundance of options, information overload, over-processing and motor-mouth. Jupiter is a fiery planet and when combined with Gemini we can tend to get full of "hot air". We may be so enthusiastic that we make decisions, commitments or take risks without fully reflecting on the consequences and we may up buying a "pig in a poke".

On Good Terms
Jupiter was elevated a bit by in it's "term" which is a special degree of space in Gemini that gives Jupiter a break. In Gemini the Term of Jupiter is between 6 and 14 degrees.  Here Jupiter was saved from it's detrimental position and it's effects were a bit more positive. It was in Term (and in direct motion, not retrograde) from Jul 14 2012 to Sep 3rd and then again Feb 19 2013 to April 17th. Think back to when that was and see if you can tell a difference. Sometimes it's very difficult to really remember what we were feeling unless we commit ourselves to  a Journal of some sort or are really paying attention. Again it's most pronounced when it makes aspects to your natal chart. If not it may be hard to really notice.

 *Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and your natal mercury, it's condition and if it's being "helped or afflicted" by other planets will reveal how positive or negative the transits through Gemini will be.

 Where has Jupiter effecting me? Check your Rising sign to see which house Jupiter has been transiting.

Aries - 3rd house: The Mind, writing and communications, siblings and neighbors, errands and movement within your local area, plans, media. This is the Natural house of Gemini so it's themes will be unmodified by house placement. Aries is a sign of direct simplicity and this is one way that is experienced: The signs are unmodified, simple and direct. Remember, aspects from Transiting Jupiter to your chart will still add elements and modify things as will your relationship to Jupiter in the birth chart and the condition of your natal Mercury.

Taurus -2nd House: Self worth, money, wealth and finances, personal assets and values.
This tends to be a positive place for Jupiter as it can bring in wealth and assets but money can be spent as easily as it comes in. Intellectual assets and copyright could be found here so buying domain names, investing into intellectual property and the like may be a way to make money during this time. If you are owed money you may have been getting a lot of excuses why it's hasn't yet appeared. 

Gemini - 1st House:
  Identity, self-assertion, selfishness, personal demands, the Face and outer appearance. This is a powerful place for Jupiter to transit which means the best and worst are experienced and they will likely be expressed by yourself rather than some specific area of life. You will express more Jupiterian traits and the Gemini qualities within you will be hard to miss and even exaggerated. During this phase we tend to be full of hope and optimism and willing to take big risks particularly when Jupiter moves over your Ascendant degree. Even if things aren't perfect in our life we will have a kind of buoyancy and faith that things will work out in the long run. Like the7th we may encounter Jupiterian types in our lives. We could also BE Jupiter and find ourselves being especially generous in our one-on-one relationships.

Cancer - 12th House:
Hidden issues, self-undoing, secret or private issues, retreat, co-operation, hospitalization, retirement, completing old issues, subconscious drives and issues which harm our conscious will. This is a subtle place for Jupiter (or any planet) to be if you aren't going to an Ashram or monastery to meditate and get away. Here we have energy and enthusiasm to retreat from the world and perhaps finish up old projects. This is the 'incubation house' where we are prepairing for a new cycle when Jupiter moves into the 1st. This is also the house of self-undoing and taking risks might end with us shooting ourselves in the foot so take care when engaging Jupiter themes: travel, education and issues surrounding broadcasting, the law and the Court systems as it could backfire. These things might be active in a secret or hidden way such as Pirate radio, secret courts or clandestine travel or travel to sanctuaries.

Leo - 11th House: Groups, friends and Acquaintances, networks, cliques, Hopes, dreams, gains, personal and shared goals.
This is a rather fun and advantageous place for Jupiter to be. In the east it is known as the house of "gains and acquisitions". In the west it is called the house of "hopes and dreams" Both kind of dovetail into one another when you think about it. The house is also of friends and peer groups and the gains that can be made often come through the help of friends. It's a socially active time so if you have been bored or feeling idle Jupiter here will get out of the house and roll with a posse.  Be careful not to waste time partying when you could be getting projects off the ground or making dreams a reality. This house is also politcal groups, church organizations the chess club, naked lady clothing trade parties, beach blanket bingo, hair club for boys and the barbie liberation front.

Virgo - 10th House: Career, profession, position in society, public standing, reputation, authority figures, bosses, fathers, awards, responsibilities, desire for achievement.
This is a positive place for Jupiter in general as it is a sign of  accolades and success in career and general popularity as well as starting or expanding a venture or buisness. This is a time where you are seen as fulfilling your role in society, perhaps as a speaker, writer, technician or some Gemini-ruled field. You could also be working in a non-Geminian field but with Geminian bedside manner with which you put into your work. This is a time to really go for it and work hard as we are being witnessed by our clients, peers and superiors. Later when Jupiter moves into your 11th house you will have more time to socialize and have fun.

Libra - 9th House: Travel, education, philosophy, teachers, foreigners, legal issues, courthouses, broadcasting and publishing.
Studies and teachings are important now. You have an opportunity to learn about a certain field and this may come from a general sense of curiosity and a need to expand your mind with training or teachings of some sort. If you are a teacher this will be a significant year for you and the same goes for people who work in all forms of education, mentorship, Lawyers, Judges, writers and media broadcasters. You will travel or have the opportunity to travel at this time. Other's around you may be traveling and returning with stories and experiences from afar they may be native to your home or from faraway places themselves.

Scorpio - 8th House: intimacy, sexuality, psychological and occult matters, shared resources, inheritance, credit, loans, personal power of regeneration.
Money can be gained through others which can be as simple as credit card and as life changing as an  inheritance from a dead relative or finally getting funding from a kickstarter campaign. During Jupiter's transit through the 7th house some of you may have met some supportive new friends or even a marriage partner. During this phase you may begin to share resources or combine wealth to start a business or venture, buy a home, ect. This is a time where sexuality and intimacy will be important but probably not very casual. For some learning about secret, esoteric or occult subjects will be thematic and it certainly goes with the Scorpio rising vibe. Some of those subjects may include Psychology, self-help, social-dynamics rather than becoming a black (or purple) Magician.

Sagittarius - 7th House: marriage, partnership, close friends, rivals, open enemies and all important one-on-one interactions.
Like the 1st house, this is a powerful house for a planet to be traveling through and it is a time where significant relationships are initiated, developed or abandoned. With Jupiter the theme is growth and during this time you may notice that you encounter several new and helpful friends who open the world up for you in some way. Your world can be expanded by philosophies or world-view that comes via your associtates and some of the friends may themselves be a bit more wealthy, sophisticated, educated or cultured in some way. Encounters with them will rub off on you so stop wasting time with people who bring you down and make an effort to spend time with those who can bring you up. We may also have great faith in our friends or lover. Make sure it is based on substance and that they can live up to your expectations

Capricorn - 6th House: health & illness of physical body, work, service, routines, habits, co-workers, hired workers and staff.
If you are looking for work this has been a boon in that many opportunities will come your way. Again, some of these may be fleeting or fail to meet promises made. health and hygiene habits come easier now and it's a time where we might have the inspiration to join a gym and perhaps even stick with it. Jupiter is ideas, philosophy and teachings so you may be making a routine of study or you could be brushing up on diet and nutrition information. Pets also rule this house and we might desire to get a pet or we could find oursleves taking care of a pet by happenstance.

Aquarius - 5Th House: Love affairs, dating, games, fun, play fullness, entertainment and entertaining, performance arts, creativity, pregnancy and children.
Like the 11th house this tends to be a pleasurable and fun transit especially for dating, sex and creativity. It is the house of speculations so taking action on a hunch may pay off. Romantic affairs started now will be especially indulgent and joyful or the romantic options will be especially abundant during this time. If you have been single, this is a good time to meet someone or two or three. It is the house of children so some people may be starting -or trying to start- a family. If you have children this will be an especially developmental and likely joyful transit for the both of you. Them personally and you vicariously.

Pisces - 4th House : Home &; family, houses, rentals, renovations and relocating,  roommates and all who live in the home. Like 1st, 7th and 10th this is a powerful and significant place for Jupiter to transit. For some the benefits will come through family ties while others wont notice too much but will see that their family is doing well and prospering. Life passages may be experienced vicariously through family. For others they will relocate or find themselves in a phase where staying at home is especially beneficial. Some may work from home others may move to a larger home or an apartment without roommates. Some may begin to lay a foundation for a family and when Jupiter moves into the 5th they may attempt to conceive.

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