Sunday, April 21, 2013

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse

It's Eclipse time again! And the next Three Lunations (new and full moons) will be Eclipses so get ready for a while ride. Many of you should already Sense the accelerating pace and notice how circumstance and synchronicity are vortexing in our lives bringing about culmination and climax.

Eclipses are always pivotal and often challenging times for everyone and as with all transits and Full or New Moons, those whose natal charts are personally touched by the Eclipse are especially effected. However, we are socially connected and when someone in our lives is going through a crisis we can be effected in a number of ways. The time period for the effect of eclipses is larger than ordinary Lunations and can be felt many days and even weeks in advance and after. Don't bother too much about the exact time of the eclipse. It's already happening!

Eclipses are powerful New and Full Moons whose cycle is potentiated by the inclusion of the North and South Nodes of the moon which determine when and where an eclipse will land. Modern New-age psychological astrology tends to see the Moon's Nodes as significators for Karma, soul growth and evolution. Traditional astrology and especially "Vedic" Astrology sees them as bad omens of disaster and malevolence calling them "the head and tail of the demon" or in traditional astrology: "the head and tail of the dragon".

 This difference deserves it's own article or even it's own book but my opinion is that the answer lies somewhere in the middle. Nodes and the Eclipses bring good and bad just like New and Full moons but the POWER of the event is much stronger so we tend to see extremes. We also seem to lose control during eclipses which give us the feeling that fate is simply happening to us.


All Full moon's are oppositions of the Sun and moon bringing in the spirit of two opposing zodiac signs that the sun and moon are moving through. This Full Moon Eclipse is between the Sun in gentle Taurus and the Moon in intense Scorpio. Both are Fixed signs meaning that they are stubborn and can be slow to change even though Scorpio is the sign relating to Regeneration and transformation. The change that Scorpio brings only happens when we let go of control and surrender to a higher current of intelligence.

Of course, Scorpio is also known as a sign related to BDS&M, rebels, dark and mysterious types and the bryonic hero (look it up) but I won't get too deep into that because those themes are found in the natal chart and not in transits. Unless you have it in you to walk on the dark side, no transit or eclipse will bring it into your life. Those that do walk that dark side will naturally have Scorpio or 8th house planets and/or a prominent mars or pluto.

Scorpio and Taurus are both signs associated with money and resources. Taurus is our personal assets, things of beauty and whatever resources we have that secure our comforts. Scorpio is about shared resources, credit and debt.

Both signs are also related to sexuality. Taurus is Epithemia or simple, uncomplicated physical love. Scorpio is about Eros or complex, deep love that transforms. Eros is not simply sex in the way we think of it. Epithemia is more along that rout. Eros is more psychological and spiritual it is deep and dark and often ends up hurting us because we want to hold onto it and keep it from changing. Sorry folks, Eros is about change and transformation and that brings us back to control and letting go of control.

Eclipse Patterns

The Moon is very near the planet Saturn, the stern father of the planetary family. This brings a serious tone to the Full moon and brings with it some level or austerity, responsibility or "severing" and/or accolades for enduring periods of such austerity, hard work and dedication. Saturn's glyph is the scythe and his presence will, at times, take things away or cut the wheat from the chaff and, at other times, form foundations and build from them. Some may have to give up something or find it taken away without our consent and others, who have delayed gratification and paid their dues, may receive some kind of honor. Still for others it will simply bring a tone of sobriety and seriousness which some will find welcoming and others a wet blanket. All depends on the person's natal chart and other transits and progressions occurring right now.

The sun and Mars are very close together and Opposite the Moon and Saturn. Mars and Saturn are the lesser and greater malefics according to traditional astrology and their pairing does bring some of the worst aspects of the human experience out. Mars is violence and Saturn is fear and misery so together it is somewhat of a bad omen which seems significantly linked to the explosive week we have had with intentional bombings and accidental explosions. These violent eruptions come on the heels of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto Square which is a sign of dramatic revolutionary events and the crossing of individual liberty with the powers and control of the state which, obviously to most everyone, is now run by corporations (for now). More on this in the days to come.

Most effected by this Eclipse are those with planets or angles (such as the "Rising sign") in the early degrees of the fixed signs: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and Leo. Even then there are many other factors that come into play so don't freak out.

Here is a brief breakdown for how the Eclipse will be felt for each RISING sign. If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate it here: Cafe Astrology: Rising sign calculator. As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these stories being told right now. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at accomplice @

Aries: your ruling planet Mars is with the Eclipse in your Natal 2nd House of money and finance. Mars isn't the happiest in the slow and steady sign of Taurus but if you can concede to the slowdown and put in time you could come out ahead financially. This will not be easy. The eclipse in your 8th house of shared resources and credit will activate Saturn's lessons about trust and intimacy in relationships where sharing is involved. For some it will be a matter of acquiring or paying off credit cards. Intimate relationships and trust issues can be part of the narrative as well.

As one of the fixed signs this Eclipse is especially personal for you and will be specifically effecting your relationships. Mars in your first house with your sun will galvanize you to action and perhaps see you being especially stubborn and selfish in some matter. The Moon and Saturn are in your 7th house of partnerships and Marriage and for some this will be the time of making a commitment and others it could prove to be the severing of a preexisting one. Some will be experiencing crisis vicariously through an important relationship and will be a in a supportive role. Saturn is demands and obligation so for others they will be feeling like they have been helping out a partner and are ready to break away and feel some independence. Like those with Capricorn rising, this transit of Saturn, activated by the eclipse, can make us take a more discerning look at those who we associate with and we may decide that it is time to cut cords with certain individuals who may be holding us back or depressing us in some way.

The Eclipse occurs between your 12th and 6th house of retirement and hidden events vs Health, illness, work and service. An Eclipse in the 6th with Saturn present is one to really watch out for. If you are ignoring your health or abusing your body you will find the repercussions are swift and strong while Saturn is in your 6th house. The Eclipse here will activate this potential. Be careful with what you put in your body, get plenty of sleep. If health is not effected then it will be in area of work and service. Saturn here slows things down and makes things harder than usual. Some may lose their jobs. If this is the case make sure you don't drown your sorrows in alcohol and drugs as astrology is multivalient and can effect you on multiple levels at once. On the plus side, you have Jupiter in your 1st house which brings luck, optimism and good fortune. If you lose a job don't let it get you down as you could easily find another perhaps better one in short time.

Cancernians, ruled by the Moon, tend to be especially sensitive to the Lunar cycle. This eclipse occurs in your 5th house of Fun, games, pleasure and children. Having Saturn transiting this house isn't so great as it dampens joy, especially if you are single and wanting to date. The Eclipse will make this very apparent and you will probably not find it too enjoyable. However the following Eclipse will be in your 11th house of Friends so, if there aren't any unfavorable aspects for you personally, you may find that the fun you lost out on during this phase is made up for by being with friends in the coming weeks. Saturn is burden so going out, playing with children or dating may seem like hard work. While Saturn will be here for over a year you will be bailed out soon with Jupiter entering your 1st house and much good comes of it.

Your home and family is most effected by this Eclipse. With Saturn this could be a hard, depressing time at home. Work may pile up at home, you may have to move when you least want to or there could be a feeling of coldness in the home. Both Saturn and the 4th house are related to the father so your father could be having problems. If you want to move this is not the best time to do so. Wait if you can. You could also be feeling estranged from your home from so much work right now. It will likely continue with Sun and Mars in your 10th house of career and an upcoming eclipse in the same.

The eclipse is effecting your 3rd house of communications, siblings and neighbors. Any one of these things can be causing you grief right now. For some it will be an increase in errands and daily chores. Others may be taking care of a sibling or roommate. Luckily for you this Eclipse is not strongly placed so as long as it's not making any adverse aspects to you it could be rather uneventful. The upcoming Full Moon eclipse in Sagittarius will be much more noticeable.

Finances, money and assets are a very common theme for most people but it will be effecting you personally during this time. Paying off debts, making investments and working on money making projects will be the case for some (including me!). Saturn here is teaching us to use money wisely so use caution and think long term right now or suffer the consequences. With activity in your 8th house of shared resources you could come into some money from someone else either by loan or gift. Make sure you can repay anything lent and always be careful with credit especially with Saturn in your 2nd house. Avoid it all together if you can.


This is your Eclipse! The closer the Eclipse falls on your Ascendant the more powerful you will experience this event. Activity in the 1st house, where the Full Moon falls, are times where we feel the need to do our own thing and take care of ourselves. Saturn, conjoined with the eclipse, is making it's slow transit through the same house which is a time where you are ready to assume a position of maturity and responsibility in your life. Sometimes the realization comes after a critical event which this Eclipse could be a signpost. Saturn causes trouble but there are benefits especially in the 1st. Use this time to make a new name or face for yourself perhaps letting go of old, outworn clothes, haircut, attitude or worldview. Your Ruling planet is in the 7th house of partnerships so activity will also be focused on others. This trend will continue through the month. Perhaps a new look attracts a new person in your life?

This is the time to lay low, finish up projects with the Eclipse in the hidden 12th house. Making moves and starting new projects can backfire now so use this time to refine and test out (if you can) whatever you are working on and get ready for a 'coming out' phase with the Following Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius in your 1st house. This house is sometimes called the House of "self undoing" because we aren't able to correctly judge the effects of our actions. It can be a time where someone is subtly or secretly effecting our lives in a negative way. Watch for that and take time to lay low and relax.

Your friends and networks will be effected by this eclipse and with your ruling planet Saturn present you may want to cut out the Riffraff and start associating with people who are more responsible, mature and generally have their shit together. While a Full moon in the 11th can be a great time to meet people this particular one will come with some sort of caveat that involves the presence of Saturn augmenting the situation in a way that makes it more austere or cold. The 11th is the house of hopes and dreams as well so keep in mind that Saturn here makes you pay for what you get and you could have to really push to make a difference, not that is news to you!

Career and reputation is the theme right now and with Saturn present you could receive a payoff if you have been working hard, paying your dues and expecting little in return. Saturn here in the 10th can hold back career advancement but a Full Moon here can be a sign of promotion (one sign of several) but it can also give preferment and position if you deserve it. Luckily Saturn is your planetary ruler so you vibe with him and probably can accept and handle whatever burden is brought to you with this period. In some cases it can be a fall from grace and still in others it could be a situation where you are in the spotlight and this includes Marriage. This is a powerful and personal Eclipse for you so brace yourself.

The 9th house or Travel, higher education, religion, broadcasting and courts is activated by this Eclipse. There are a variety of expressions for this house so it will depend on a lot of other signs to see what might be going on specifically. For many travel will be offered or desired, others will be starting or Graduating College or a religious program and still others might be in court for some reason. Like the 3rd, 6th and 12th this house is not as strong as others and you might find that you are getting away without too much fanfare. I definitely can't say the same for the following eclipses

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