Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FULL MOON In Cancer / Leo Cusp

The power of emotion and compassion for family and the greater family of humanity will cross with the warmth and magnanimity of the solarly light of Leo. Following the heart and the gut will be in the field of our collective awareness and as the Sun begins to chase mars through Aquarius there will be a an urgency around collectives and families to work together for the sake of liberation, transformation and progress.

Impatience and urgency are keywords for mars and when aspected in a tense opposition with the full moon you can expect the usual psychic fullness of the lunation to be especially potent. In Aquarius it may manifest as being pushed to take action with a group it could just as likely be you who is doing the pushing, depending on how the lunation aspects you and how you deal with Martian and Aquarian energies.

The lunation will be favorably aspecting the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the last degrees of Pisces so we can expect the lunation to shed light on the ongoing cultural shift into a new age and awakening to the greater reality of connectedness and unity of consciousness. Some themes we may see active at this time could be :The BP Oil spill catastrophy or similar natural disasters (-or fear of them), Wikileaks, UFO sightings, facebook and online-culture could well be features in the news again. Behind the scenes, as always in these days of media-theater, much is happening and at great speed.

Because the lunation is aspecting mars, the "lone gunman" phenomenon in the news of late could continue to be a theme either, through more shootings or enactment of new gun laws and, naturally, a backlash from pro-gun rights activists. The tragedy and atrocities like this bring us closer to the awareness and understanding of our unity and connectedness, sometimes more so than liberating spiritual experiences. The lone gunman theme (and Government reaction) activated during these times will continue as the rebel Uranus enters war-God Aries later this spring.

This is somewhat of a "blue moon" as both this and that last full moon were in the sign of Cancer, the former in the first degrees and this one in the last. Because the moons are bookends of sorts we may see the culmination of issues started around the last moon in december. Issues surround work-home dynamics are made complex with the sun and moon also being on the cusp of Leo/Aquarius respectively. Juggling the dynamics of this quaternary archetypes will be challenging and the answers we seek now will likely have equally complex solutions. Leo (sun, ego, warmth, singularity) will need to be balanced with Aquarius (colectivity, coolness, detachment, technology, evolution).

Cancer is the sign that is associated with familial bonding, emotional security and the nurturing impulse of the mother archetype that exists in all of us, to some degree, even if inhibited by repressive elements in the birth chart -it is still there, ready to be awakened as the psyche matures.

Knee-jerk reactivity, thoughtless reflex and seeking security over liberty are shadow qualities to be aware of if we are to act with consciousness and the fullness of our being. Look out into your environment to see both the shadow and light of this Lunation expressing itself in those around you and be as present and compassionate as possible to avoid getting sucked into the shadows of unconsciousness yourself.

Use this time to get in touch with your deepest feelings and emotional needs as tensions and crisis, common during full Moons, push that which is lurking in the depths of the nightside to come to the light of day.

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