Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Fever : New Moon in Aries

Spring is here and it is often most obvious during the New and Full Moons of April when the Sun is in Aries, the sign of Spring and the onrush of newness, fertility and restlessness.

Like the last Full Moon in Libra there are a grouping of planets in Aries adding weight and power to the momentum to the lunation but unlike the Full Moon there are no signs indicating this time being one of tension and crazymaking circumstance. Rather, this New Moon indicates this time period is much "cleaner" and unfettered allowing the onrush of Arien forward-motion to progress without delay.

Venus and Mars are very near the sun adding creativity and perhaps a sexual charge as well. For those born Around April 10th this new year will be powerfully new and creative. One must keep in mind diplomacy as venus is rather weak in Aries and there may be an increase in selfishness and urgency in getting our own needs met, so keep her in mind and remember to brush your hair and tidy up a bit.

Mercury finally bursts into Aries on the 13th after a long period of being retrograde in dreamy Pisces. Even when Mercury was in direct motion the mental air was thick with smoke and haze. It could have been exotic incense or it could have been that bong. Either way it's time to clear the air and manifest whatever divine inspirations we may have encountered during it's sojurn into the dream-world of Pisces. Cut the cord and stop obsessing. Move forward and don't look back. This is especially true for those with Gemini or Virgo Rising.

In Like a Lamb out like a Dragon
This New Moon may start relatively calm but Culminates in a Full Moon Eclipse on April 25th, always a pivitol time of dramatic change and climax. Breakthroughs and breakdowns will be experienced at this juncture in our own lives and in the lives of our loved ones. Keep that in mind with whatever is started around this New Moon and remember that it can be difficult to change course once the snow-ball has started to roll downhill.

What's it to ME?
People with Sun, Moon or Ascendant around 20 Degrees of the 20 cardinal signs will feel this New moon Most significantly and that includes those with birthdays around the 10th of Jan, Apr, Jul and Oct.

Here is a brief breakdown for where the onrush of spring will be felt for each RISING sign. If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate it here: Cafe Astrology: Rising sign calculator. As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these stories being told right now. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at accomplice @

Hopefully you are ready for center stage as this is your time to shine with the spotlight on you in some way. With Mars here you have been feeling strong and independent perhaps garnering a bit of attention from others. The closer your asecendant is to 20 Degrees the more powerful this experience will be. Suitors will be a-suit-in' and if in competition you will come on strong and have a lot of force behind you. Remember to excercise some gentleness with women and be a good winner because Mars in Aries does not give a flaming Fuuuck.

There is quite a bit of activity behind the scenes. Later in May this theme will shift with a 'coming out' party with Mars, Venus and the sun in your 1st house. Added to this is the Eclipse cycle (two of the three) be triggering both 1st and 7th houses activating issues surrounding your personal independence and commitment in relationships. Until this eclipse cycle starts in may you will have some time to think things out and relax a bit. Mars in Taurus can be hard to get moving and hard to stop once it's got momentum. Use this time to clear out the old and finish up buisness asap so you can start a new phase with a clean slate.

Bountiful Jupiter is transiting your 1st house indicating this is a time where you are feeling optimistic and 'larger than life'. Popularity and noteriety is easier to come by and this New Moon in the 11th house of Friends could see a social cast appearing in your life. The 11th house is also people we associate with in order to bring about a goal or realize a collective vision so these themes will be playing out in some way even if it is simply a party or social gathering. Just a few days after the new moon (4-14) your ruling planet, Mercury, will leave the fog of slippery Pisces and enter into Aries and your 11th house where projects, plans and ideas will become Re-activated after a period of slow movement and confusion. Talks and plans made during the new moon on the 10th may start come into more direct action after the 14th when Mercury shakes off the affliction of Pisces and pops into Aries.

Heightened activity in your career sector or general publicity could have you sweating. The stress and heat from all this activity could be pleasurable even if it's working you hard, a lot depends on your Moon Sign and if you have more fire in your chart to back up your sensitive emotions with fighting power. Depending on where your Midhaven is you could be experiencing dramatic changes in your career and reputation. Sudden unexpected changes and/or intense urges to break out of a prexisting career and status will be taking up your attention now and/or within the next few years as Urnaus moves over your Midhaven and changes your career in dramatic ways.

The new moon and planetary activity lights up your 9th house of Foreign travel, higher education, publishing law, religion and philosophy. While these themes are linked in some ways they are usually very different experiences. For those that aren't going through litigation of some sort may be traveling or experiencing some kind of climax in their Educaiton and for some it will be both. With uranus here the urge to break out and travel will be strong as is the desire to move somewhere far away perhaps even to another culture. Big ideas will be sparked during this time and you could discover a sudden interest in a certain unusual phiosophy or way of looking at the world.

Virgo: Like Gemini, Your planetary ruler has been debilited and diminished while transiting the sign of Pisces. During this time plans may not be going according to, uh, plan. However the light at the end of the tunnel is with this new moon and in the days following, Mercury will pop into Aries and bring enthusiastic clarity to your life. Relatonship snafus that came with Mercury in your house of partnerships will delve into the depths in the 8th and deeper understanding will come to light, though you might not share your revelations just yet. Mercury's ingress into the 8th and the New Moon in the same will have you acting as Private eye, sniffing out hidden details and clarifying what was once obscure. Sex, sharing and intimacy are also themes which can get passions and tempers activated. Make sure no one gets burned.

Libra: Relationships are generally a preoccupation for Libra risers but this period is especially active with a cast of planetary players and a new moon in your 7th house of partnerships. With Uranus present things could be changable without much notice. If your Ascendant angle is at 8 Degrees Aries, then changes are certain. This could come as a sudden new relationship or dissolution of an old one, especially if it is stale or holding you back in some way. If your Ascendant is near 20 degrees Aries changes could also come but they may be less suprising. With your planetary Ruler, Venus, in Aries things might not be as sugary sweet as you like and you could feel that diplomacy has taken a back seat to assertiveness. This could be coming from you or from someone else. Either way, asserting needs and taking leads is a theme right now.

Scorpio: Mars, your Ascendant Ruler Mars is quite happy in Aries right now. This indicates it's a period where you are your usual assertive and powerful self, making things happen and taking control of a situation. This will involve hard work on a project or job and perhaps cleaning up and cleaing out a stifled situation and this includes the health of your body. With taskmaster Saturn in your 1st house you are needing (or wanting) to accept responsibility and control of your life. Though you might be 'feeling your age' you will probably enjoy the feeling of maturity that comes with it. The closer your ascendant is to 9 Degrees scorpio the more you will be feeling saturn's influence. If your ascendant is less than 9 Degrees Scorpio the influence and maturation process has already come and you are now putting down roots and making hard decisions in order to get your shit together. If you have ascendant after 9 Degrees Scorpio the lifechanging effects and affirmation of life-direction are to come. When It happens you may realize a lifelong ambition or discover a path into your more authentic future self. It's a profound time of self-development. Right now it's time to work on the nitty-gritty and take control of your health, if you aren't already.

Sagittarius: There hasn't been a better time to have fun and meet people in a long while. With your Ruling planet in Gemini you will be expanding your friend and dating pool with doors opening and opportunities coming to you through associates, just make sure it's not all talk as Jupiter isn't especially strong here and sometimes talks more than acts. The new moon and planetary line-up in Aries shows this is a time of increased pleasure and fun though some may be having children or attempting to get pregnant which is can certainly be fun but not in the sense of having a party where everyone is invited. Perfoming arts, creativity and drama are highlighted now so if you are a creative type this will be an usually active time. If single and looking to date this is an excellent sign so take advantage of this phase especially if you have Ascendant/Sun/moon/venus or Mars in the late degrees of Fire signs. If so, then indicators show this esepcially fertile in matters of love.

Capricorn: Your home-life and family is taking your attention right now with this new Moon. For some Capricornians a major move is in the works and for others family matters are taking center stage, perhaps with issues related to their father. Your ruling planet saturn is in the 11th house which is positive overall but you might be feeling a bit cut of from friends especially if you have just moved and are feeling lonely or homesick for more familiar territory. With Uranus in the same sector as the new moon you could be experiencing unusual shifts in your living quarters. Family or rommates may be acting crazy or you might be experiencing sudden moves and accidental living conditions that are driving you nuts. I'm sorry to say that Uranus will be here for some time but It all serves a purpose of liberating you to bigger and better things. Loosen up and let go if a living situation isn't serving you.

Aquarius: The New Moon is activating your 3rd house of communications, siblings and local area. Travel within your local area, errands, talks and tasks could have you working at a frantic pace especially if work related. Your planetary ruler, Saturn, is in your 10th house making career developments slow and ensuring that you pay your dues and work your way up inch by inch. This could be that inch-by-inch phase. For those with siblings that you have active relationships with you might notice a lot going on in their lives which might be making them act out or appear a bit crazy. For some this will not be unusual! For those that have been experiencing money dissapearing and slipping through your fingers, you can probs blame Mercury who is punch-drunk in pisces. When He moves into Aries on the 14th things will begin to clear up though you might have some paperwork to go through in a hurry (taxes?). Although neptune in your 2nd house of finances will continue to make money dissolve away the entry of Jupiter into cancer later in the year will really improve things and make good on empty promises that you may be hearing on repeat right now.

Pisces: Your ruling planet Jupiter is traveling through your 4th house which might have you desiring to move somewhere larger and some of you have already done just that. With all this Aries activity in your 2nd house of finances you might be scrambling to pay off mortgage that was bigger than you could swallow, perhaps borrowing or signing paperwork to borrow money. Others are doing great but may be spending as much as they are making or lending out to friends and family -perhaps to others with Pisces rising! Mars here in your 2nd house can motivate you to make money but it can go as quickly as it comes in. With Mercury traveling through your 1st house you may have been unclear in your dealings and desires and your attention has been elsewhere while money issues may have been building. When Mercury leaves Pisces for Aries and your 2nd house you will immediately begin to focus on finances and getting things clear but soon after Mars will leave and enter taurus where income might slow a bit. It's a complicated situation involving money right now so do what you can to save and expect the unexpected.

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