Fall Equinox comes at a New moon this year, both representing change of cycle and initiating new phases in the world and our personal lives. There are a two elements that add emphasis to this new moon, though I think it will be much gentler compared to the previous New Moon in Virgo, which was at perigee, meaning especially close to the earth or, if you must, a "supermoon". It was also during a solar flare, which I do feel makes us a bit crazy. I felt crazy, anyway.
Anyhoo, the gentleness or roughness of this lunation depends, as always, on the individual natal chart. Some of us may need to read that over and over again.
Critical Mass
To begin, the Lunation is at the first degree of the sign and first degrees are considered "critical degrees" and thus powerful and full of potential but also difficult or 'uncomfortable in some way. The idea being the first degree is like unto the nature of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac and grand and potent initiator. Alas, Aries is also a sign associated with naivete, egotism and aggression so the early degrees can be a bit awkward, like a baby lamb trying to walk. Once it gets it's footing it may grow up to be a mighty Ram. A mean ole bitey Ram!
1° Libra is said to have nature like that of Aries |
The Looming Eclipse
The second element adding emphasis to this new moon is that it will resolve into a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. If you have read my earlier reports on the Eclipse cycles you may remember that Eclipses are not as fleeting and transient as other lunations and planetary transits, and have large windows of time. We are in that window now, and many of us will already be experiencing the accelerating and intensifying flourishing or life, a sense which will continue to be in effect for days or even a week after the "actual" Full moon. Whatever occurs at that time can last for months or even years.
Libra Loves love
Libra is ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love and beauty, So her position can be telling.
Currently, Venus is in Virgo, so love affairs that are initiated right now may have some issues with unattainable ideals, pickiness, workplace affairs though prudence and modesty may render more rewards right now. Romance will be benefited by her ingress into Libra on the 29th and conjuncts the same degree as the new moon. If you meet someone around this new Moon you may want to schedule a date on or after the 29th. Or, better yet, email me for a reading and I can get a lot more specific.
Those with Libra rising will want to be especially careful in relationships of all kinds right now, as the following Full Moon Eclipse will be in your natal 7th house of "marriage and partnerships". Not only that, but the Eclipse will be exactly conjunct Uranus so relations could be tense with feelings of abrupt change, rebelliousness, weirdness or surprise. You have been warned...
For those of you that are single, this could be a very exciting time and even wonderfully special if you are open to the unexpected and can enjoy whatever comes without holding on or demanding specific definitions. For those of you that are attached to outcomes and relationships aren't going so well, this is probably the time where that back-breaking straw hitches up his pants and saddles up on top of that camel of yours.
Overall, those most effected by this new moon will be those with natal planets or points near 0°-1° degrees cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Those with Cardinal rising signs will also feel this period and the following Full Moon Eclipse as powerful.
That's all for now! Feel free to ask questions regarding your own chart in the comments below.You must include your birthdata for me to really answer. I need birthdate, time and location. I will become kinda sad if I must repeat that.
How does this New Moon effect me?
What is opening up to new dimensions or levels of Harmony, cooperation and balance? Because that's Libra's jam!
Where this Lunation occurs in your chart will reveal what area of life will be effected, changed or challenged. For this you will need to look to your RISING sign.
If you don't know your rising sign you can calculate with the free rising sign calculator at Cafe Astrology. : Rising sign calculator. Or, better yet, go to Astro.com and create a free profile. Better still, get ahold of a real live astrologer who'se got some chops!
As always, this is an exceedingly brief look at what is going on for each rising sign and does not take into account a variety of factors that signify other evens in your life that can mitigate, exaggerate and modify these themes. (Email me to set up a consultation to get the real inside scoop on the astrological activity in your life at Ian @ pantheonastrology.com)
Aries : 7th House: marriage, partnership, close friends, rivals, open enemies and all important one-on-one interactions.
Taurus : 6th House: health & illness of physical body, work, service, routines, habits, co-workers, hired workers and staff.
Gemini : 5th
House: Love affairs, dating, games, fun, play fullness, entertainment
and entertaining, performance arts, creativity, pregnancy and children.
Cancer : 4th House : Home & family, houses, real estate, rentals, renovations and relocating, roommates and all who live in the home.
Leo : 3rd
house: The mind, writing and communications, applied efforts, planning, practice,
errands and movement within your local area and interactions with siblings, neighbors and locals of your area.
Virgo : 2nd House: Self worth, money, wealth and finances, personal assets and values.
Scorpio : 12th
House: Hidden issues, secret affairs, retreat,
cooperation, hospitalization, retirement, completing old stories, self-undoing, reflection,
subconscious drives and issues which inhibit free will.
Sagittarius : 11th House: gain & increase, money from career, groups, friends and Acquaintances, networks, cliques, Hopes, dreams, gains, personal and shared goals.
Capricorn : 10th
House Career, profession, status & position in society, public
standing, reputation, authority figures, bosses, fathers, awards,
responsibilities, desire for achievement. Mars will be in 1st house, a powerful placement and a 6 week cycle of self-assertiveness, personal willpower and self mastery.
Aquarius : 9th House: Travel, education, philosophy & religion, Ceremony & customs, teachers, teaching & learning, foreigners, legal issues, courthouses, broadcasting and publishing.